Defaulting to customizable

In Java, many of the the standard library’s objects have configurable settings, like timeout settings, boolean behavior flags, and so on. Sun’s documentation never says what these are set to by default. Does the timeout default to infinity? Zero? Thirty seconds? One hour? Is a new connection set to accept input, or output, by default? What’s the default buffer size of this object? Am I expected to write a little test program to figure out what the defaults are? Am I expected to grep through the Java standard library source code to find out?

On top of this, lots of the configuration values have getters, setters, and a method to set the default value for all future instances of that class for the lifetime of your application. This must have taken some time to implement. But did Sun bother to put the factory defaults in the documentation? No.

This is a classic example of over-engineering; Instead of focusing on choosing a reasonable default and writing complete, useful documentation to make the user’s (coder’s) life better, they focused on a level of configurability that is only rarely (if ever) necessary.

Rethinking the Progress Bar

Rethinking the Progress Bar doesn’t really rethink it so much as prove what should have been obvious; people prefer progress bars that speed up as they reach the end, rather than progress bars that slow down towards the end. Execute your unpredictable-duration activities, like network transfers, at the beginning of your code, and your predictable-duration activities at the end.

I wonder why we’ve never seen progress boxes or regions, that express two simultaneous processes by growing in two (or more) dimensions simultaneously, at different rates. Seems like you could map one dimension to radius and the other to angle, and have a progress region that progresses from a single center point, to a wedge, and finally to a filled circle. Probably too complicated, but I’d love to find a use for that.

Move over, Roswell

This creepy story of the unexplained deaths of nine expert skiiers in the USSR in 1959 makes the Roswell tale, The X-Files, and The Thing sound dull by comparison:

Baffled investigators said the group died as a result of “a compelling unknown force” — and then abruptly closed the case and filed it as top secret.

The number-noun name has got to be the least creative of all the silly website naming patterns:

  • Six Apart
  • 8 Days (hot-or-not)
  • 9 rules
  • 30 boxes
  • 37 signals
  • 43 folders
  • 43 things
  • 88 miles

Just for fun I want to make a site called 0 points, or maybe 3.25 dollars. -7 employees?

Internet, meet Spydentify

spydentify-400x107Spydentify is a new experiment/side project of mine. It fills a niche that I first identified over at the Typophile Type ID Board: people love looking a pictures and trying to figure out what’s in them. The site’s interface is designed to be as addictive as possible, with a neverending, rapid flow of interesting images, big, shiny buttons to click, and instant feedback on your actions. I’m going to add more ego-stroking, viral-spreading and moderation features soon.

The interface also follows the MVC pattern I laid out in this article. It uses one static HTML file, all dynamic data is loaded through XMLHTTPRequest (AJAX, for those of you who speak Web 2.0), and all HTML generation is done via JavaScript manipulation of the DOM. The backend uses Pylons, which gave me a chance to learn Pylons, Paste, Routes, SQLAlchemy, FormEncode, and Mako. And comments are rendered with my own PottyMouth.

I also designed the logo all by myself.

Check it out.

“Yes we can”

Maybe he’s just a politician, and maybe he’s not that different from Hillary Clinton. But all rationalizations aside, Barack Obama is an inspiration to a lot of people. As an anonymous former Clinton administration official was quoted in the New Yorker:

When I’m with her, I feel she wants to impress me. When I’m with him, I feel he wants to know what I have to offer him.

Sounds an awful lot like another inspiring president.