My name is Matt Chisholm. I am a hacker, typographer, visual artist, and writer from San Francisco, California who lives in Berlin, Germany. More about me:
- My homepage
is here.
- Check out my typography here.
is an idea and experiment collective that I’m a member of.
- Some friends and I ran the now-defunct
for a few years. I also designed
ambigram logo.‘s
is a website that I designed and built just for fun (including the logo).
- This is my resume.
- I have been known take a photograph or two.
- Check out some of my designs on RedBubble
- Check out three-dimensional rapid-prototyped art of mine at Shapeways.
- I’m a member of Typophile, one of the best online communities I know of.
- Ross and I created The Neighborhood Project
- If you want to communicate with me, try sending an email to matt dash blog at theory dot org.
- If you have something to say about content on this blog, read this.
- You can follow me on Twitter here.