Maps & tubes, tunnels & movies

This Transit Map of the World’s Transit System, a promotional poster for Transit Maps of the World (amazon) by Mark Ovenden, discovered over at my new favorite blog, Strange Maps, cleverly shows all of the cities in the world with rail transit systems connected in the style, and the layout, of the London Tube.

Strange Maps has great stuff, most of which I’ve seen before. The classic Newyorkistan, pretty The Colourful Side of the Moon, The Blonde Map of Europe for those gentlemen who allege a preference, the disturbing Europe, If the Nazis Had Won, Chris Yates’ A Diagram of the Eisenhower Interstate System, C. Etzel Pearcy’s The Thirty-eight States of America, and XKCD’s Online Communities Map.

They should link to my Seeing stars post about the historical designs of Moscow transit maps. And they don’t yet have The Great Bear, the Rude Map, or the Convenience Map.

I also stumbled across a reference to The Tunnel, a 1935 science-fiction film about the construction of a tunnel from New York to London. The Tunnel joins Cargo 200/Груз 200 and the short film Microgravity on my list of films not available on Netflix.

So there you have it. The internet’s not done yet. There are still some things not organized, categorized, or digitized.