Author Archives: admin

The Futur of the Internet

Somehow, I stumbled across This site embodies the future of the internet! They used the now-defunct Web 2.0 logo generator to make their logo. They have “advansed” settings, and brag that files get dowloaded a few “thouthand” times a day. Their pages are full of erroneous capitalizations, like “select a File First.” They are still in beta, the site sports a copyright going back to 2004, but their featureset of uploading and hosting files could be implemented in about three lines of PHP (four if you were lazy). Their main page boasts of unlimited uploading and downloading, but the Terms of Service forbids “Files that are consuming large amounts of system resources or excessive bandwidth.” Nevermind that RAR format is completely obsolete, they will automatically RAR your files and “splitted” them into volumes. Hooray.

I sure hope this is a thirteen-year-old kid’s idea of a get rich quick scheme. And I hope he or she makes a buck off of it, somehow. But if today were April 1st, I’d be pretty suspicious.

Impromptu OS wireless comparison

Two of my housemates knocked on my door together a while back. They wanted help getting their computers on the house’s WEP protected wireless network. I pulled out my Ubuntu 6.10 laptop and sat on the couch with them, after writing down both the passphrase and the 26-character hex passphrase on a piece of paper.

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A Receipt

Why do you get a receipt when you go to the supermarket? Why does your credit-card company send you a monthly statement?

Imagine when you were rung up at the supermarket, the cashier simply declared the final total that you were owed. Imagine you were expected to just pay the total and walk out, without a receipt. You might trust your neighborhood grocer, but do you trust them enough to participate in a transaction like that? Continue reading

Winning vs. Not Losing

There’s a bizarre parallel between the strategies employed by a resistance organization against a state, and the strategy of the free and open-source software movement. Simply put, both strategies rely on the fact that the underdog merely needs continued survival to ensure that the dominant player has not won, while their opponent needs to achieve total control. Continue reading

Seeing stars, redux

This is an updated version of my Seeing Stars post on back in August 2004.

A comment Jon made about the Moscow Metro maps prompted me to google about for some pictures. I found this page, a comprehensive archive of Moscow subway maps going back to 1935. Since I’m a graphic design junkie, I checked them out. And I noticed something interesting. When the orange and purple lines were completed in 1973 or 1974, the map suddenly changed from a seemingly random jumble of lines to a distinct star pattern.

Now, subway maps are almost always abstractions. In fact, things are better that way; the configuration of stations with respect to each other is the important detail; the actual distances between stations, and the curved or straight nature of the actual tracks, is prettty irrelevant. When a city map is overlaid with its subway map, the result is often unrecognizable.

But when the purple and orange lines were completed, they went from being angled to completely straight, and the crossing point of the orange and purple lines was moved above the blue line. These modifications made the map into a star within a circle pattern.

The star disappears in 1984 with the introduction of two new (grey and yellow) lines.

The star in the circle was an important soviet emblem. It seems most likely that the similarity was just the bright idea of some clever designer. I wonder how obvious it was to the people of Moscow, when the star maps came and went. And I wonder what subtle symbols are present in our own visual culture.

An example is the down-pointed triangles that can be seen in many of the graphics on the San Francisco MUNI buses and trains, which is historically a gay-rights symbol. Look for it next time you’re on public transit in the city. What would it mean to you if it vanished one day? (Update: Since originally writing this post in 2004, the triangles have become much less prominent on Muni’s website.)

What must the Muscovites have thought when the new maps, without stars, came out?

ps. this is the coolest of the Moscow subway maps (look for Line #9).