Tag Archives: w3c

Ignore your users’ needs. Call them stupid instead.

Bert Bos’s Why “variables” in CSS are harmful illustrates some all-too-common mistakes technologists make when considering feature requests from their users. It also indicates how deeply out of touch Bos (and possibly the entire W3C) is from people who actually have to read, write, debug, and use CSS on a regular basis.

It begins:

Constants have been regularly proposed and rejected over the long history of CSS…

Proposals for a feature indicate that a technology (whether it be a specification or an application) has pain points that are going un-addressed. When those requests are frequent, they indicate that the person (or organization, in this case, the W3C) in charge of the technology is out of touch with its users.

…so there is no reason why constants should be useful now when they weren’t before.

This claim that constants are not useful underlies the entire essay, but Bos fails to ever really justify it. Here he wanders around in pseudo-mathematical jargon instead:

[An implementation of costants in CSS written in PHP] proves that it is not necessary to add constants to CSS…. But the PHP implementation has the benefit of letting authors determine the usefulness for themselves, without modifying CSS on the Web.

It sounds like Bos refuses to consider an implementation of variables1 in CSS unless someone provides him with a mathematical proof of their utility. But utility is an opinion, not something that can be proven, like Turing-completeness or the irrationality of √2.

The existence of the PHP implementation Bos mentions, and of other implementations like the wonderful CleverCSS or Reddit’s vaporous C55, argues strongly that variables are useful — so useful that many people have implemented them on top of CSS. Of course, this does not prove usefulness any more than any other opinion can be proven.

Implementation effort

Next Bos considers implementation effort:

…extending CSS makes implementing more difficult and programs bigger, which leads to fewer implementations and more bugs.

Difficulty of implementation should never be a deciding factor in whether or not to address the needs of the users. This point is important enough that it bears repeating: implementation effort is not relevant when deciding what your users need.

Why not?

Technology exists to make users’ lives easier. As a technology evolves and matures, users express needs and the authors of the technology develop features to address those needs. It is the user’s needs, not easily implemented features, that drive development of a technology.

If two features serve the same need, then picking the easier-to-implement one is perfectly reasonable. And if the only way to address the users’ needs is with a feature that’s extremely difficult or impossible to implement, then a project might find itself considering whether some or all of it is still viable. But a difficult implementation is never a justification in itself for not addressing the users’ needs.

In the case of CSS, the users ask for variables because they need some way to stop repeating themselves when they encode colors, lengths, and other values in CSS.

Refusing to serve the users’ needs because the requested feature may be difficult to implement shows a lack of understanding of those users’ needs as well as poor judgment about how to handle feature requests in general.

There’s another subtle fallacy here too. When Bos worries about ease of implementation, it sounds like he’s trying to make browser authors‘ lives easier, as if they were the users that the W3C are working for. But browser authors aren’t the real users of CSS any more than, for example, the authors of a C compiler are the ultimate users of C. Web designers are the real users of CSS. They are the target audience whose needs should be considered.

Arguing from implementation effort, and talking about browser implementors instead of CSS authors illustrates how far out of touch Bos is with real web designers, doing real work.

It’s also questionable how truly difficult implementing global, un-scoped variables (or un-changing constants) in CSS would be, especially compared to other complex aspects of CSS like the cascade. But that’s a discussion for browser authors.

Maintenance of stylesheets

Next Bos argues that variables would make CSS less maintainable, not more. Bos presents two reasons that code is encapsulated behind a function in programming languages:

Dividing up a problem into smaller ones is only one reason for defining functions. Just as important is the fact that a function that fits on one screen is easier to write than one that needs scrolling.

Because CSS variables wouldn’t help divide up a problem into smaller ones or help CSS stanzas fit on the screen more easily, Bos argues, they aren’t helpful:

[Constants] would add a cost (remembering user-defined names) without a benefit (avoiding problems that are longer than one screenful).

Experienced programmers know that there’s a third benefit to encapsulating code or data behind a function, variable, or constant: not repeating yourself. This is why users keep asking for variables in CSS.  Bos goes on to say that variables would be detrimental to CSS because they would increase the length of stylesheets. However, not repeating yourself is much more important than just keeping your code short2, so this point too is moot.

This section concludes:

What remains is the cost of remembering and understanding user-defined names.

Of course, stylesheets are full of user-defined class names, and CSS authors seem to have no problem using and remembering those, so it’s hard to see how user defined variable names are going to be any more intellectually challenging for CSS authors than class names.

Reusing style sheets and Learning CSS

The next two sections, “Reusing style sheets,” and “Learning CSS” continue to conjecture that user-defined variable names would be a great hindrance to using and learning CSS. But the frequency of proposals to add variables to CSS suggests they are not difficult to understand, and including them would not significantly hinder learning CSS.

But there’s not much point in arguing over such conjectures. Arguing from the point of view of a theoretical group of users who have, and lack, certain skills, is a dangerous distraction. If you have data about your users, use it. If not, collect some before making your decisions, or base your decisions on what you know your users can already do.

For the sake of argument, assume Bos’ hypothetical group of users exists. Assume there is a subset of the CSS authoring population that can comprehend the CSS cascade, relative sizes defined in ems, hexadecimal RGB color codes, and user-defined class names, but are unable to grasp the concept of a user-defined variable in CSS. (It sounds bizarre, but that’s what he’s claiming.)

These hypothetical users could just refrain from using variables in their stylesheets whatsoever. Unlike hexadecimal colors, em units, and many other aspects of CSS, nothing about variables would force CSS authors to use them. Variables could be added to the CSS standard without increasing its complexity or the effort required to learn it.

Bos also claims that user-defined variables would break easy reusability of CSS:

CSS is fairly easy to learn to read, even if some of its effects can be quite subtle. When there is a page you like, you can look at its style sheet and see how it’s done.

Anyone who has tried to copy a CSS effect from one site to another knows how difficult it truly is.  To copy the visual appearance of a single element, you must understand not only the computed style of that element, but the computed style of all of its parent elements. You need at least a rudimentary understanding of both the CSS cascade and the structure of the HTML of the page.  To copy the look of an entire page, you have to copy all of the CSS files for that page and mimic the structure of the HTML exactly, or reverse engineer the entire thing from the ground up.

Beyond the issue of whether copying CSS effects is easy or not, however, the question is whether CSS variables would make the job more difficult.

Bos points out that in-browser debugging tools help you to copy CSS by showing you the computed style. Presumably if CSS contained variables, those debugging tools would show you the values computed using those variables, not the just the variable names.

And if you were just copying a site’s HTML structure and CSS wholesale, then there’s no reason why you would even need to read the CSS or figure out what the variables mean.

It is too difficult to look in two places at once, the place where a value is used and the place where it is defined, if you don’t know why the rule is split in this way

Of course, when reverse-engineering the CSS for a site, a designer already needs to look in multiple “places at once” — they look in multiple CSS files, match class names in the CSS to names in the HTML, and consider the effects of the cascade. Is Bos really suggesting that a person capable of doing that will be incapable of finding a variable definition in the same file where that variable is used?

Rather than showing us that CSS variables would make re-using CSS more difficult, Bos asserts that a difficult, complex process is simple, and that CSS authors already performing this task are too stupid to handle a much simpler one.

Bos also claims that figuring out what variable names mean will be difficult for CSS authors — even when debugging their own code. Most CSS authors use generally descriptive class names like green-button, huge, and floatleft3. High traffic sites run their CSS (and their HTML and JavaScript) through compressors/obfuscators, but most of those sites use descriptive names internally too. It’s hard to see how CSS variables would be named any differently than CSS classes, so it’s hard to see how CSS variables would be any more difficult for CSS authors to reverse engineer or remember.


None of Bos’s arguments against variables in CSS hold up. He claims CSS doesn’t need variables, but fails to recognize  CSS authors’ true need to avoid repeating themselves. He argues CSS variables would be too difficult to implement, but implementation difficulties are invalid grounds to justify leaving users’ needs unaddressed. He argues that CSS variables would add too much complexity to CSS and no benefit whatsoever, but overlooks a key benefit that CSS variables would provide. All his arguments about the complexity variables would allegedly add to CSS are difficult to accept given the current complexity of CSS.

A feature request is a need in disguise, and multiple, persistent feature requests indicate a serious need behind a very thin disguise. Rather than arguing against a feature, you should endeavor to understand the underlying need. Rather than arguing from implementation complexity, you should decide whether that need must be addressed. Rather than arguing from hypothetical, invented users, and speculating about complexity, you should collect real user data or look at the kinds of tasks your users already handle.

This entire article4 calls into question Bos’ ability (and, by association, the W3C’s) to identify and address the needs of real CSS users and choose features to solve real shortcomings of CSS. I hope my analysis of this article helps other technologists learn to understand and address their users’ real needs better, and avoid poor reasoning when arguing against, or for, a specific feature.

For more on problems with CSS, see CSS Considered Unstylish.

  1. For brevity I’ve chosen use just the term variable throughout this article, even though all the points I make apply equally well to constants. []
  2. Bos’ point about the “computer screen becoming an extension of the programmer’s memory” is bizarre in the extreme. Even the best programmers or web designers will quickly end up with a program or stylesheet that’s bigger than will fit on a screeen, when working on anything but the most simple projects, if for no other reason than the project being split up into multiple files. []
  3. Perhaps Bos does not always use descriptive class names; The stylesheet for his article uses the class names yves and coralie. []
  4. The very end of the article has a clever suggestion: that constants be implemented as an external module. I’m not sure how this would work, but if it meant that a single set of constants for a site would be accessible in the HTML, and all of the site’s stylesheets, and maybe in the JavaScript too, well, that would be pretty cool. []

Get out of the way

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the W3C is stuck in 2001. Shape up. Quick. We don’t need to wait another five years for a grand unified theory of document presentation and mark-up. We need incremental improvements, and we needed them six years ago. If you don’t get with the program quickly, the industry is going to move on (CSS 2.2) without you (HTML 5).