Facing pages

Ars Technica would have you believe that the lack of facing pages in “e-book” gadgets like Amazon’s Kindle is the missing killer feature.

The solution to this problem is obvious and straightforward: design all e-book readers to display pairs of pages in the traditional, facing-page format in which books were designed to be read.

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Installing VMWare Workstation 6.0 on Ubuntu 7.10 “Gutsy”

As a general rule, I don’t install applications on my system outside of the package manager. It litters your system with mysterious files that cannot be traced to any particular piece of software, and eventually the files will conflict with packaged files or other manually-installed software. Therefore, Ubuntuforums’ instructions on how to install VMWare Workstation 6.0 are useless to me. But it turns out it’s relatively easy to convert VMWare’s .rpm to a .deb and install VMWare inside the package manager. Here’s how:

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PottyMouth 1.0

PottyMouth, my tool for transforming completely unstructured and untrusted text to valid, nice-looking, completely safe xHTML, is finally ready for its 1.0 release. I’ve added implicit list support, which was the last feature I wanted to hold up 1.0 for. Read about what PottyMouth is and what it does here. And if you know someone who’s building a website that might need it, tell them about it.

Vacuous Survey

This was the second-to-last page in the Speakeasy customer satisfaction survey:


It was, hands-down, the easiest to answer question on the survey. Gotta love Speakeasy; even giving them feedback is a breeze.

Pot, meet kettle

“In terms of whether or not it’s possible to reprogram the kind of basic Russian DNA, which is a centralized authority, that’s hard to do. We’ve worked hard to make it appear in their interests – we made it clear to them that it is in their interests to have good relations with the West. And the best way to have good long-term relations with the West is to recognize that checks and balances in government are important, or recognize there are certain freedoms that are inviolate.”

George W. Bush, October 18, 2007

This from the President who, along with White House Counsel David Addington, is trying to circumvent the checks & balances in our own constitution by asserting that the executive branch has intrinsically more power and autonomy than the judicial or legislative branches?