Eight Python warts

I love Python, but a few things still bug me about it. I’ve bashed on several other technologies; here’s some Python bashing. In no particular order:

Update: This has started a pretty good discussion on Reddit. Many people correctly guessed that I’m using singleton in the mathematical sense, not in the sense of the programming pattern. The comments from Cairnarvon and tghw are particularly worth reading.

All percentages might be created equal…

…but why you should support Mac OS X and Linux makes the case that some percentages are more valuable than others.

I think the reason is even simpler: Windows computers are far more likely than Macs to belong to people who just don’t want or need computers, and to sit largely disused in a corner. (And pretty much everyone running Linux is a power user to begin with.)

Computer architecture as business practice

David Dalrymple gives an amusing and thought-provoking critique of computer architecture over at Edge‘s World Question Center:

Imagine if your company or organization had one fellow [the CPU] who sat in an isolated office, and refused to talk with anyone except his two most trusted deputies [the Northbridge and Southbridge], through which all the actual work the company does must be funneled. Because this one man — let’s call him Bob — is so overloaded doing all the work of the entire company, he has several assistants [memory controllers] who remember everything for him. They do this through a complex system [virtual memory] of file cabinets of various sizes [physical memories], the organization over which they have strictly limited autonomy.