Category Archives: blurb

Links (& blurbs about them)

Goodbye to Google Groups

John Resig, creator of jQuery, rips Google Groups a new one. Not using Gmail’s awesome anti-spam technology in Google Groups only creates problems for Google Groups users who aren’t also Gmail users. Google has become so enmeshed in (and is profiting so much from) their own monoculture that they no longer need to care about how their products interface with the rest of the world.


Pretty cool proof of concept video for 10/GUI, combining multi-touch and a new approach to window management.

10/GUI from C. Miller on Vimeo.

This feels like something Apple might ship with OS X if they didn’t have to worry about alienating existing users. I already tend to arrange my windows (and OS X’s Dock) horizontally, with application drawers on the left and the right for constant visibility when other windows are on top. Two hand, ten-finger multi-touch is definitely on the horizon.

Like wide-screen or two-monitor desktops, the primacy of the horizontal axis in 10/GUI takes full advantage of the human field of vision being much wider than it is tall. But I wonder how (and if) you can change a window’s width, and also how it would deal with smaller windows (like preferences dialogs).

(Via Dustin.)

Dating and demographics

Why There Are No Girls In San Francisco vs. Where Are The Men in San Francisco explore both sides of our particular dating scene. I’m sure both sides could find something to lament in this National Geographic map from a few years back:


After helping one friend usher random drunk belligerent frat boy douche-bags out of her housewarming party last night, and talking to another friend at three A.M. while she waited for San Francisco General Hospital to treat her Australian houseguest for injuries sustained in a North Beach bar brawl, I’m thinking that purple dot is quite a liability for our fair 7×7.