These “horizonless” projection maps of Manhattan are truly cool:
Category Archives: blurb
Flipping Typical
Detecting what fonts you have installed via JavaScript and CSS running in your web browser: this clever hack is anything but flipping typical. I wonder when someone will start trying to use similar tricks to detect type piracy.
Visualizing sorting
Aldo Cortesi has created some nice visualizations of sorting algorithms:
a to z
Two new Romanian calligraphy fonts
Romanian calligraphy is a unique amalgam of Cyrillic, Blackletter, and Glagolitic influences on the Latin alphabet. Florinf over at Typophile is working on two nifty new faces, Arhaic Geo and Arhaic Cali, inspired by old Romanian calligraphic samples:
Pot, meet kettle
There’s a serious case of pot-kettle-black-itis in this article by the New York Times — the home of the obnoxious, pointless, “free registration required” landing page — decrying “private beta” sites that aren’t open to everyone, everywhere, right now.
How to bypass the DiggBar if you’re not quite as badass as Daring Fireball
In retaliation for Digg’s naughty framing and link and Google-juice hijacking in their new DiggBar, John Gruber outlines how to block all users who come to his site via Digg by checking referrers. But what if, instead of being a high-traffic, high-respect, badass like him, you’re some sorry chump with a total of eleven points on Digg? Throwing up a giant middle finger isn’t going to hurt Digg (they aren’t even going to notice) and even has the possibility of hurting your own traffic. So you throw in a framekiller. Works like a charm.